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The value of production of auto parts in Mexico (mexico), the fourth largest in the world, totaled $121.2 billion last year, and of the 16 major items that classify auto parts, steel was divided into nine groups that contributed $53.3 billion or 46.5 percent of the total, according to SteelOrbis analysis of data from the business chamber National Auto Parts Industry (INA).

The most important category of auto parts is electrical parts and the second most important, in which steel does participate more directly, is the production of transmissions, clutches and their parts with $12.3 billion or 10.1 percent of the total.

The third most important segment is fabrics, carpets and motor vehicle seats. Due to the fact that there is no breakdown of the entries, that item was not considered in the participation of steel.

From fourth to 10th place in importance, steel is present. Engine parts production contributed 8.0 percent of the industry’s $121.2 billion. Suspension, steering and parts thereof contributed 6.3 percent, gasoline engines 5.2 percent, accessories and parts used for engines contributed 5.2 percent, stampings and parts thereof 4.9 percent, brake systems and its parts 3.1 percent and bodies 2.6 percent.

In position #14 are diesel engines with 1.4 million, a figure that represents 1.1 percent of the total.
Of the $105.6 billion of exports made in Mexico (mexico), the United States purchased $91.7 billion, a figure that represented 86.8 percent of the total. The second largest buyer of Mexican auto parts was Canada with 3.9 percent, Brazil with 1.8 percent and China with 1.4 percent.

According to the INA, Mexico (mexico) is the largest supplier of auto parts to the United States, providing 42.6 percent of its requirements. That share is much higher than the 10.5 percent in Canada, which is the second largest supplier.

Until December of last year, the auto parts industry directly employed 883,000 people.

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